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CORE Markets is an end-to-end markets, technology and climate solutions partner for business.
CORE Markets offers corporate net zero services, project optimisation services, and corporate and institutional brokerage services, all backed by a powerful software-as-a-service platform.
We help corporate sustainability teams, carbon & clean energy project developers, and wholesale & industrial clients, take decisive action to net zero.
Our team has been active in global energy and environmental markets for over 20 years.
In October 2022, Renewable Energy Hub acquired TFS Green APAC to form CORE Markets.
CORE Markets is backed by global financial services company Tradition, located in 29 countries worldwide.
You can view and track daily carbon & renewable energy market prices at the CORE Markets website.
Select end-of-day price data for ACCUs, NZUs and LGCs is published below and updated daily here:
Contact phone: (02) 9135 4932
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Energetics is a specialist consultancy advising ASX and all levels of government on climate change risks and Australia’s transition to a net zero emissions future. Known for our expertise in supporting organisations to secure risk managed renewable power purchase agreements, Energetics has playing a leading role in the conclusion of some of Australia’s most high profile PPA transactions. Our deep knowledge of energy markets and insights into the renewable energy investment landscape also enables Energetics to advise investors and renewable energy generators on engaging in Australia’s dynamic energy landscape.
- Corporate renewable energy procurement
- Market-based valuation of energy generation assets
- Energy storage and demand response
- Energy price forecasting
Contact person: Anita Stadler
Contact phone: +61 2 9929 3911
Contact email:
Melbourne Renewable Energy Project 2.0 – Renewable PPA transaction advisor (commercial and technical)
The City of Melbourne (CoM) has an ambitious climate action plan that is focused on leading by example and sharing solutions to climate change.[1] Building on the success and insights gained from the inaugural Melbourne Renewable Energy Project (MREP 1.0), the CoM facilitated a second renewable energy buyers group to help like-minded organisations come together to...
Dexus – Renewable PPA transaction advisor (commercial and technical)
Dexus, a leading real estate group with a property portfolio valued at $31.8 billion, secured one of Australia’s first supply-linked renewable Energy Supply Agreements (ESA) in late 2018. The ESA which commenced in January this year powers the base building services of more than 40 buildings in Dexus’ New South Wales property portfolio. This style...
Monash University – Renewable PPA transaction advisor (commercial and technical)
On 6 July 2018, Monash University announced that it had concluded a corporate renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) for both electricity and large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) with Victoria’s Murra Warra Stage 1 wind farm. With this deal, Monash joins the Telstra-led consortium which includes ANZ, Coca-Cola Amatil and the University of Melbourne. The announcement by...
Sydney Metro – Renewable PPA transaction advisor (commercial and technical)
Sydney Metro concluded a corporate renewable power purchase agreement in which electricity and Large-scale Generation Certificate (LGC) offtake agreements were secured with First Solar’s Beryl Solar Farm for a fixed volume that is equivalent to the forecast electricity use of 134,000 megawatt hours per annum[1]. The agreement is for 15 years, aligning with the Sydney...
Melbourne Renewable Energy Project 1.0 – Renewable PPA transaction advisor (commercial and technical)
On 23 November 2017, the Melbourne Renewable Energy Project (MREP) announced the preferred supplier as part of the 10 year renewable power purchase agreement negotiated on behalf of 14 member organisations. Led by the City of Melbourne, the buying group plans to procure 88 GWh sourced from a new wind farm at Crowlands, in Western...
Contact person: Georgia Watt
Contact phone: +61 439 381 001
Contact email:
Contact person: Dave Holland
Contact phone: +61 408 055 171
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Presync provides strategic and technical advice on sustainability, local clean energy solutions, procurement of grid renewable electricity and climate adaptation.
Presync has recently facilitated nine retail renewable PPAs, all of which are now operational, with the first commencing in January 2019. The PPAs are performing as forecast, and we remain engaged with many of our customers monitoring ongoing performance, refining the agreements and assisting with further energy efficiency and other sustainability projects. We have multiple further retail PPA projects at various stages of gestation with more announcements imminent.
Presync was founded by Ben Waters and Hudson Worsley, who lead all customer projects personally. Ben is a recognised industry leader on renewable PPAs, and particularly on retail approaches to renewable procurement. Building on experience gained as GE Australia/NZ’s Commercial Director and Director Ecomagination, Ben chaired WWF’s Renewable Energy Buyers’ Forum from early 2015 until the advent of the Business Renewables Centre Australia, and has been a member of the BRC’s Technical Advisory Panel and Market Advisory Panel since their inception. Ben is co-author of BRC Australia’s Retail Renewable Energy PPA Guide and author of the WWF/City of Sydney report Helping Business – Pathways To Purchase Renewable Energy.
Contact person: Ben Waters
Contact phone: 0407465071
Contact email:
Sydney Opera House Retail PPA
Presync was engaged by Sydney Opera House to develop carbon neutral strategy and assist with renewable electricity procurement. Presync analysed the load and reviewed opportunities for further efficiency measures, finding that most impact could be achieved by procuring electricity from new renewable projects. Presync conducted a market sounding for a renewable PPA, built the business...
Strategic advisory services for the energy sector
Contact person: Ms Marilyne Crestias
Contact phone: 0403 798 998
Contact email:
Full-service, independent climate change strategy and implementation advisor enabling organizations around the globe to embrace clean, renewable energy along their journey to active energy management. Global Market Leader in PPA advisory on over 140 transactions delivering over 10,000MW of new renewable energy generation globally.
Contact person: Johan Karlsson
Contact email:
Our services include:
– Sourcing PPA’s
– Structuring and executing commodity linked wholesale transactions
– Strategic risk and financial portfolio management
– Project specific mandates
– Senior management mentoring and interim human resource availability
Contact person: John Patitsas AIE (Fellow)
Contact phone: 0417 416 518
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WePower is the global technology of choice for reducing complexity in renewable energy and accelerating the energy transition. WePower enables Energy participants including, Retailers, Generators and Corporates a seamless transition to a real net-zero roadmap through cost-efficient, value-driven technologies – turning ambitious goals into tangible realities as we strive to address decarbonization. The WePower suite of solutions includes three products: Elemental, Incite and Solis. The Elemental SaaS platform supports the complete go to market management of renewable energy capacity and production for energy retailers. The incite SaaS platform reduces the complexity of environmental sustainability strategies for large carbon-emitting companies that need to decarbonise. Solis is a subscription offering providing access accounts to support smaller independent renewable energy producers to manage their PPAs and scale to the wider market while also managing their own environmental sustainability. All three WePower products equip Energy industry players with the right tools for the carbon neutral future we need.
Contact person: Jenya Khvatsky
Contact phone: 0431 180 790
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World Kinect Energy Services is a global energy consultancy active in over 75 countries serving over 75,000 facilities. We offer a suite of energy management services which meet each client’s operational, financial and risk tolerance requirements and help our clients increase efficiencies, enhance sustainability and decrease costs. Our global reach combined with our local expertise simplifies energy management and sustainability needs.
Contact person: Nicholas Bell
Contact phone: +61 (0) 2 8919 2148
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