Barwon Water RFP

NEWS | 16 Aug 2021

The following text was taken from Display Tender 001599 (  


Barwon Water, Barwon Health and GeelongPort have formed a regional partnership to help support each other to make the switch towards renewable electricity. The Barwon Region Renewable Energy Project (BRREP) involves the creation of a joint renewable energy purchasing group, which will facilitate the members entry into a virtual Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a generator of renewable energy. The core purpose of the PPA would be to source green benefits in the form of Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs). Under the PPA, the members would also purchase a Contract for Difference (CfD) for a defined volume of electricity (likely a percentage of ‘sent out’ generation).   A briefing session will be held on 25 August 2021 12:00 PM. Notes: A tender briefing will be provided via Zoom. A Zoom meeting link will be provided upon registration. Registration closes on 24 August 2021 12:00 PM. Register here.

Close Date

Tender closes at 24 September 2021 02:00 PM  


Patrick Kearney Contractual Phone: +61 (03) 2352262589