Businesses & Councils Training & Guide for Queensland

Is your business or council based in Queensland? Are you looking to learn about renewable energy procurement for your organisation and how renewable energy can deliver community benefits?

BRC-A has partnered with the Queensland Department of Energy and Climate (DEC) to deliver a series of training workshops and a guide for businesses and councils in the Queensland Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) regions under the Government’s Local Energy Partnerships Framework. See Media Release.

Renewable energy PPA contracts provide direct benefits to businesses and councils, such as clean, reliable, and affordable energy, and can also deliver social, economic, and environmental benefits for the host communities. As the energy transition roll-out across Queensland, we are committed to working with regional organisations and those looking at purchasing renewable energy in the REZs to ensure these benefits are realised in regional communities.

We will deliver 10 introductory face-to-face and online workshops and a guide for industry in the Southern, Central & Far North Queensland REZ regions during October 2024 to February 2025.

More about the sessions…

Introductory workshops: What will be covered?

The introductory workshops will give participants a good understanding of the key PPA basics:

  • Overview of the Queensland REZ regions.
  • What is a PPA? Key PPA types, benefits & limitations.
  • Community benefits & best practice.
  • How to form a buyers’ group.
  • Case studies: Queensland, local government & regional businesses.
  • Common challenges & how to manage them.
  • Where to get more information and support, including information about
  • Inputs sought from attendees: Opportunities for regional benefits.
What are the benefits of joining the training?
  • Your business or council will be able to the potential of renewable energy PPAs.
  • Deliver social, economic and environmental benefits to the host region.
  • Greater access to clean, reliable and affordable energy options.
Where and when will the training be held?
  • Toowoomba CBD, Venue TBA, 6th November, 9.30am-11:30am.
  • Dalby CBD, Venue TBA, 6th November, 2:30pm-4:30pm.
  • Bundaberg CBD, Venue TBA, 7th November, 12pm-2pm.
  • Rockhampton CBD, Venue TBA, 8th November, 12pm-2pm.
  • Townsville CBD, Venue TBA, 13th November, 12pm-2pm.
  • Cairns CBD, Venue TBA, 14th November, 12pm-2pm.
Guide and Training ‘Bootcamp’

To compliment this training, we will develop a guide to support councils and business operating in the Queensland market. It will support ongoing learning and provide a reference for delivering PPAs and community benefits and will cover the Queensland policy and market context, PPAs & the Community Service Obligation (CSO), best practice standards and community benefits case studies.

We will deliver our renewable PPA training ‘Bootcamp’ in Queensland following the introductory workshops – a 1-day PPA training intensive designed to enable energy buyers that have understood the basics to proceed to contract via PPAs with confidence. The Bootcamp will be feature presentations from businesses and councils that have executed PPAs and delivered community benefits.

How can I find out more?

Businesses and councils from across Queensland can register their interest in the program via email