ZEN Energy is an established Australian energy business, focused on building a portfolio of renewable energy resources and firming assets, to support clients with large electricity needs.
ZEN stands for for Zero Emissions Now. We believe that now is the time to embrace the transition to the post carbon world. We believe that by turning towards low cost, renewable energy, our communities will become more prosperous, and we will help restore a sense of balance to the world. Balance between the human and the natural world. Balance between our people, our customers, and our partners. This is the ZEN way.
Past projects
Through a competitive tender process, ZEN Energy secured the contract to supply electricity to CSIRO research centres in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria.
The CSIRO chose 100% renewable energy, due to their concerns about the risk climate change poses on our future. The CSIRO entered into a 10 year Power Purchase Agreement with links to the Nevertire Solar Farm in NSW and the Numurkah Solar Farm in VIC.
ZEN has received favourable feedback from CSIRO, that they valued our collaborative approach taken through the contract negotiation process and that they have been very pleased with service delivery and compliance with contract requirements over the first 6 months of the contract.
South Australian Government
In 2020, ZEN Energy renewed their contract with the SA government to supply electricity for a further 10 years. The SA Government performed a thorough tender process, focusing on price, customer service, and additional inclusions.
The SA Government contract is linked to the build of a new solar farm in South Australia, which will create more than 150 jobs.
To date, we have successfully delivered on the requirements of the South Australian Government contract and met all the defined KPIs since the contract commenced. This clearly demonstrates our team’s ability to provide high quality services to a customer with an eclectic use of energy that requires a range of processes to be delivered efficiently and cost effectively.
‘I have had dealings with most of the major electricity retailers over the past 10 years, and ZEN Energy has been by far the best in regard to site transfer, billing accuracy/timeliness and customer service ‘
Andrew Baker – Business Manager
Central Irrigation Trust