Snowy Hydro

Snowy Hydro ensures energy security, supports the transition to renewables, and increases competition in energy markets. We generate energy that underpins the security and reliability of the National Electricity Market while providing price risk management products for wholesale customers and delivering energy to homes and businesses. 

Our role is to keep the lights on. We have combined the power of the Snowy Scheme with gas and diesel-fired peaking generators. In total, we have 16 power stations, plus a pumping station, and have more than 5,500MW of generating capacity across New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. 

We have a significant retail footprint. Through our retail brands, Red Energy, Lumo Energy and Snowy Energy, we are the fourth-largest energy retailer in the National Electricity Market.

Past projects


— We have directly procured 1,674 MW of solar and wind through power purchase agreements which is equivalent to displacing ~4.8 million tonnes of CO2 per annum out of the electricity system. 

— As a foundation customer we have helped enable new wind and solar projects to develop a further ~1,300 MW capacity which is equivalent to displacing ~3.7 million tonnes


Hunter Power Project (HPP)- underway: 

 — HPP will enable 1,980 MW of new variable renewable generation which is equivalent to displacing ~5.8 million tonnes of CO2 per annum out of the electricity system.

— Emissions from HPP generation are estimated to be ~0.14 million tonnes of CO2 per annum.

— HPP is targeting full commercial operation by December 2024.


Snowy 2.0- underway:

— Snowy 2.0 will enable 6,600 MW of new variable renewable generation which is equivalent to displacing ~19.4 million tonnes of CO2 per annum out of the electricity system.

— New hydro generation from Snowy 2.0 is equivalent to displacing ~4.7 million tonnes of CO2 per annum.

— Emissions associated with electricity for pumping are estimated to be ~3.6 million tonnes of CO2 per annum based on our pumping profile in the NEM in 2022-2023. Note: as the carbon intensity of the NEM decreases over time, emissions associated with Snowy 2.0 pumping will decrease.

— Snowy 2.0 is targeting full commercial operation by December 2028.


‘100% of our large C&I customers who participated in the survey are satisfied that we understand their unique business energy requirements’. – The Utility Market Intelligence survey 28

‘100% of our large C&I customers who participated in the survey are satisfied with the support transitioning to a lower carbon footprint’. – The Utility Market Intelligence survey 28